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Will Writing

Will storage and retrieval

We provide a full service to our customers and offer to store their will for them. Find out about our secure will storage and how we could help you.

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Rachael Gooding

Senior Associate

Laura Clarke


Kelly Jackson

Probate Executive

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What is will storage and retrieval?

As part of our ongoing support to our clients, we offer a wills storage facility, free of charge, in our secure archive. You can retrieve your will at any point to review it, amend it or destroy it. To retrieve your will, please complete our document request form (we do not accept email requests) with the following information:

  • Your full name, postal address and contact telephone number
  • A formal request for your will(s) to be returned to you
  • Whether your will was initially made and stored with one of our legacy firms, and if so, which one

Once we receive your request our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Below details the process our team will follow, once your request has been reviewed.

  • Our team will provide you with a unique reference number for your request
  • The team will request a certified copy photo ID e.g. passport or driving licence
  • The team will request original or certified copy proof of address, such as a utility bill, council tax bill, bank statement etc, confirming your name and address and dated within the last three months

Where is my will stored?

Whether you have written your will with one of our solicitors or with one of our legacy firms below, your will is stored centrally and securely in our will storage facility. The legacy firms include (this is not exhaustive):

  • Walker Smith Way
  • Pannone
  • Fentons (certain branches only)
  • Russell, Jones & Walker
  • Leo Abse & Cohen
  • Goodmans
  • Marrons

How do I retrieve a will as an executor or administrator?

We can only release the will of a person who has passed away to the executor or administrator of their estate. To retrieve the will, please complete our document request form (we do not accept email requests) requesting the release of the will and providing the following information:

  • Your full name, postal address and contact telephone number
  • An original death certificate
  • Whether the will was made with one of our legacy firms, and if so, which one

Once we receive your request our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Below details the process our team will follow, once your request has been reviewed.

  • Our team will provide you with a unique reference number for your request
  • The team will request a certified copy photo ID e.g. passport or driving licence
  • The team will request original or certified copy proof of address, such as a utility bill, council tax bill, bank statement etc, confirming your name and address and dated within the last three months

Why do we need this information?

We value your privacy and keep your will safe and secure. If someone requests to see your will, we will conduct a background check to ensure this person is entitled to retrieve your will. This is why we need the information mentioned above.

What are the benefits of storing your will?

Storing your will with us will give you peace of mind that it’s secure and can be easily found when the time is right. It means that you don’t need to worry about it being lost or stolen, and as solicitors, we are regulated so if ever something were to happen to your will then you would have the right to recourse.

Speak to our will solicitors today

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

I am named executor of my parents' wills - can I see it before they die?

If your parents want to show you their will, they have to retrieve it themselves. They then can show and explain it to you. As long as the person who made the will is alive, executors or administrators can't usually retrieve the will themselves.

We store other documents which are dealt with by our Document Retrievals Team, such as:

  • Lasting Powers of Attorney/Enduring Powers of Attorney
  • Settlements
  • Trust Deeds
  • Title Deeds

How do I retrieve a will?

Should you wish to retrieve any of the listed documents above, please complete our document request form and our team will confirm the appropriate release procedure to you. This may differ from the wills procedure.

In particular, if the person who made the will no longer has mental capacity and now has a court-appointed Deputy or someone with Lasting Power of Attorney acting for them, the Deputy or Attorney can in certain situations request a copy of the person's will. To release a copy will, we would need to see either an original or certified copy Deputyship Order or an original or certified copy registered Lasting Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs plus a medical certificate confirming the person's loss of capacity.

We would not usually release the original will to a Deputy or Attorney.

Storing your will with Slater and Gordon

If you're wondering how to store and retrieve your will at a later date, our team are here to help. Our solicitors are experts in will storage, for more information contact us to speak to a member of our team.

Speak to our will solicitors today

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Why choose Slater and Gordon?


We are an award winning law firm and have a dedicated team of solicitors to advise and guide you – no matter how complex your situation may be.

Affordability and advice

We're able to offer affordable expert legal advice and can provide guidance on all aspects of wills and trusts. We can provide you with practical, affordable advice on your situation at the outset giving you clear guidance and options on your next steps.

Tailored advice

We understand that all situations differ - it’s not always a one size fits all - so we are able to provide tailored advice and guidance to suit your individual needs.

Local access

We are a national law firm, with legal experts available locally across the UK. Meetings can be arranged via telephone or video call, to suit your requirements.

Speak to one of our experts today

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Frequently asked questions about will storage

Why use professional will storage?

There are several benefits to storing your will professionally. First and foremost, it provides a highly secure environment, protecting them from damage, loss or tampering, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind that your final wishes will be carried out as intended.

What’s more, storing your will in a safe and certified environment means the risk of any dispute over the legal validity of the document is drastically reduced.

It also provides easy accessibility for your designated beneficiaries or executors, preventing potential complications during the probate process.

What happens if I lose the original copy of my will?

If the original copy of your will is lost, there are options; for instance, a photocopy of the latest will – or strong evidence of the will’s content – can be submitted to the Probate Registry with any supporting evidence. However, such measures present an increased risk of disputes, and there is no guarantee that the Probate Registry will accept your evidence.

In these circumstances, the rules of intestacy would apply, meaning your estate would not be handled according to your own wishes. Instead, it will be handled as though there never was a will.

Is there a limit to the number of amendments I can make to my will?

Simply put, no. We understand that circumstances in life change, so as part of our will storage service, you may make as many amendments to your documents as you wish.

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