What makes a will invalid?
Do you want to make sure your will is valid? Or do you suspect that a will of a loved one who passed away is invalid? Our leading will and probate solicitors are here to assist you if you are left with an invalid will.

Call us now for will writing support
Slater and Gordon have experts in wills ready to help you. Contact us online today or call us on freephone 0330 041 5869 to speak to one of our friendly advisors.
Wills, trusts, tax and probate solicitors
Contact usThank you for your interest in Slater and Gordon’s will writing services. Our team are currently at full capacity, though if you’d still like to pass on your details, please contact willsandprobate@slatergordon.co.uk and we’ll contact you next month to discuss which of our services is suited to your needs. For more information on what you should consider including in your will, visit our will writing guide.
Reasons for an invalid will
Your will may be invalid if:
- It hasn’t been signed properly
- It’s been destroyed or altered
- The person who made the will (known as the 'testator') was not of sound mind at the time of writing their will
- The testator was put under pressure
- The will is not coherent. If it’s confusing, or lacking clarity.
- Negligence of the solicitor who drafted the will. If the solicitor fails to advise correctly, to your detriment, for example
If you think that your will or the will of a loved one who passed away is invalid, there are different ways to proceed:
- Rectification
- Contesting a will
- Bringing a claim for negligence
We can give you expert advice and professional assistance if you have to deal with a will you consider invalid. Contact us for further information.