Woman sitting on the seashore watching the setting sun

Terrorism injury claims

Terrorism injury claims

If you’ve been a victim of a terrorist attack or have lost a loved one, the physical and psychological damage can be traumatic and life changing. Our specialist solicitors are here to support you and can talk to them in confidence about getting the compensation you deserve.

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Richard Gaffney

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Richard Crabtree

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Making a terrorism injury claim

Being a victim of a terrorist attack, or an event where there’s been mass casualties, can be extremely difficult to deal with for many reasons. From our many years of experience working with both survivors and bereaved families, we know that the physical, practical, emotional and financial impact of extreme acts of violence can affect people’s lives for years to come.

It can be difficult to know where to turn for help after experiencing something like this, but by choosing specialist lawyers in terrorism related injury claims, you can ensure you’re represented by a legal team who fully understand the unique challenges you face.

We understand that no amount of money can ever fully compensate you for what you’ve lost, and the trauma of what you’ve been through. What compensation can provide is time for you and your family to heal without having to deal with any additional financial worries and allow you to seek the long-term help and support you need to rebuild your life and come to terms with your experience.

Who can claim compensation for victims of terror attacks?

If you’ve been injured, or in the tragic event that a loved one is killed in a terrorist attack, Family Liaison Officers and Victim Support will provide you with initial support.

In addition to this specialist support, it’s entirely understandable for you to want to seek some form of redress through a legal process. In this case, victims of terrorist attacks and their families may be able to claim compensation for their experiences with the guidance of our specialist terrorism injury lawyers.

If you or a loved one have been injured in any way, or suffered from psychological trauma resulting from a terrorist attack, you could be entitled to claim compensation. Acts of terrorism generally include the following:

  • The use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and other such explosives
  • Mass shooting
  • Melee attacks (i.e the use of knives, swords, axes, hammers, etc)
  • Driving motor vehicles into pedestrians and crowds

In the tragic circumstances of the death of a loved one, eligibility to bring a claim is based on each person’s individual circumstances and/or relationship to the deceased, so it’s always worth speaking to one of our experts in the first instance for a free confidential consultation to find out what your options and next steps are.

What are terrorism related injury claims?

A terrorism claim is a type of legal claim for compensation made by either a survivor or bereaved relative of someone who’s been the victim of an act of terrorism, which our terrorism injury team offer specialist support with. However, there are also a number of other scenarios which may result in the need to seek legal advice after experiencing the devastating effects of a terrorist attack.

Our expert lawyers can help with the following after a terrorist attack:

Inquest representation

When a person dies in violent and unnatural circumstances, such as in an act of terror, the coroner is duty bound to investigate the death and may seek to hold an inquest. After losing a loved one, attending an inquest can be an extremely emotional and distressing event to have to go through on your own. However, should you qualify as an ‘Interested Person’ you can instruct legal experts to represent you at an inquest.

Our experts regularly guide clients through this process in a reassuring and supportive way. When you instruct us, your designated lawyer will ensure that all your questions and wishes are addressed with empathy and understanding, and that every aspect of the event are thoroughly investigated in the inquest.

Inquiry representation

If an event causes significant public concern, the Government may order an investigation and open a public inquiry. The focus of the inquiry would be to investigate the facts and understand what lessons need to be learned to prevent an incident happening again.

As an injured person or a bereaved family member you could be entitled to qualify for ‘Core Participant’ status, which would entitle you to legal representation. As demonstrated with our extensive involvement in the Manchester Arena Inquiry, Grenfell Tower disaster and Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, our expert legal representatives can guide you through this difficult process, providing you with a voice and ensuring you get the answers you deserve.

Injury compensation claims

We understand that compensation is often the last thing on your mind when you’re going through a challenging time after being exposed to such a traumatic event. However, being injured or losing a loved one can often cause financial hardship, so it’s important that you’re compensated for what’s happened to help ease any financial pressures and anxieties.

As well as financial compensation, our legal experts can ensure that you receive the best treatment and rehabilitation possible to help you begin to move forward with your life.

Talk to us about your case

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

How much does it cost to make a claim for a terrorism injury?

We understand that the cost of legal advice and representation can be a worry, but there are options available to help fund your claim. You may have legal expenses insurance under an existing insurance policy which entitles you to free representation.

If not, we offer all our clients making a terrorism related claim funding on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that if you were to lose your case, you would not have to pay any legal fees, so the process is entirely risk free (in most circumstances). In many cases, terrorism injury compensation claims are brought under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme, which works in a similar way to a No Win No Fee agreement.

When it comes to the cost of representation at inquiries and inquests, most of these are covered by either the legal aid agency or under an Inquiry’s Costs Protocol. Once we’ve spoken to you and know the circumstances of your case, we’ll be able to discuss your specific funding options in more detail.

Speak to our experts today

Why should I choose Slater and Gordon?

Slater and Gordon’s terrorism injury solicitors are a leading team who’ve carried out more work to help the victims of terrorism than any other firm nationwide, including having chaired Steering Committees. Because of our expertise, we’ve been able to work with survivors and bereaved families of the nation’s most shocking and high-profile terror attacks and have helped them achieve the answers they deserve.

This includes numerous victims of the 2017 Westminster Bridge attack, including PC Keith Palmer who was killed whilst on duty guarding an entrance to the Palace of Westminster, and the largest cohort of bereaved families impacted by the Manchester Arena attacks, in which 22 people tragically lost their lives.

Our teams have also been involved in representing victims of the 2017 London Bridge attack and, although not terrorism related, in representing bereaved families in the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower disaster, as well as survivors in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

Our experts work closely with clients to help them take the first steps to rebuilding their lives after the devastating event they’ve suffered. Through our work, we’re passionate about seeking justice for our clients and it’s our aim to make the process as straightforward as possible, helping you achieve the best possible outcome and minimising stress at what’s already a difficult time.

When you feel ready to discuss what has happened, our terrorism injury solicitors are ready to assist on a free, confidential basis. We’ll listen to your circumstances, guide you through your options, and answer any questions you have about the process going forward.

Talk to us about your case

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Why choose Slater and Gordon?

No Win No Fee

We’re no win no fee specialists, meaning there’s no financial risk when making a claim for an accident at work or in a public place.

Talk to the experts

We have teams of legal experts who specialise in representing those who’ve suffered injuries as a result of accidents at work and in public places.

Tailored advice

As specialists in accidents at work and public places, we'll ensure your case is dealt with swiftly, whilst ensuring you receive the maximum compensation.

Your local law firm

We’re a reputable National law firm with expert lawyers in local areas across England, Scotland and Wales.

Speak to one of our personal injury solicitors today

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Frequently asked questions

How much compensation can I receive for a terrorism injury?

With the traumatic nature of terrorist attacks, everybody’s experience and circumstances are entirely unique and devastating. Because of the individual nature of each client’s experiences, it’s impossible for our experts to estimate the likely amount of compensation you’ll receive if you choose to make a terrorism related claim.

Once we’ve been able to speak to you for a free, confidential initial consultation, and know the circumstances of what you’ve been through, we’ll be able to provide an estimate of what you’re able to include in your claim.

How long is a terrorism injury claim for compensation likely to take?

As each case is different and likely to be very complex, it’s difficult to estimate how long your claim could take without first discussing the full circumstances. However, when you work with us, your terrorism case will be dealt with by an experienced legal professional who specialises in terrorism related cases.

We know that you’ve been through an extremely difficult experience, and that you need to work with a specialist lawyer who you can trust to achieve the best in your legal claim. Working with Slater and Gordon, your solicitor will always deal with the claim as quickly and efficiently as possible, regularly updating you on your case progress and guiding you through and involving you with each step of the claims process.

Will I have to go to court?

The vast majority of compensation claims successfully conclude before a final hearing, so it’s very rare you’d need to go to court to obtain the compensation you’re entitled to.

Inquests and inquiries, on the other hand, can’t be resolved without the need to attend court, so in those instances attendance at court may be necessary as part of the process. Our specialist terrorism injury lawyers are well experienced in supporting our clients through the inquest and inquiry process, ensuring that it doesn’t become overwhelming and that all of their questions are thoroughly answered.

Whether you need to attend court or not, we’ll be by your side every step of the way to guide you through the process.

Are there time limits to make a compensation claim?

The majority of terrorist attack compensation cases are brought under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) scheme. The CICA has a strict time limit of two years when bringing a claim under the scheme, which begins on the date you suffered the injuries or from the date of your loved one’s death.

However, we know that the period after being impacted by a terrorist attack can be complex and tumultuous, with a lot of challenges. There are some exceptions to this time period, so it’s important to speak to a lawyer who specialises in terrorism injury claims as soon as you feel able to.

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