Accidents abroad

Travelling abroad to events

With the summer in full swing, many people are planning to travel to experience the many events taking place around the world. However, it is best to be prepared for anything that might happen, which is why our experts have put together some tips to ensure your travels abroad are stress-free.

Traveling for occasions is exciting and something many people look forward to. With the summer here, events such as concerts and popular sporting events such as the Euros and the Olympics are taking place, and many people are preparing overseas adventures. Research we undertook found that 37% of people say they’re likely to travel abroad for events this year, with 20% planning to attend a sporting event, followed closely by 19% attending a concert abroad. However, it's important to prioritise your safety and be prepared for any unexpected situations.

Here are some essential tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip:

1. Plan and stay informed

Before you travel, thoroughly research your destination and where your event will be held. Understand the local laws, customs, and any travel advisories. The UK government’s foreign travel advice page is a great resource for up-to-date information on safety and security abroad.

2. Purchase travel insurance

Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and specific activities you plan to engage in. Research undertaken by Slater and Gordon found that 27% of people that did not take out travel insurance actually incurred unexpected cost, with the highest being trip cancellation, closely followed by baggage loss and medical expenses. Always keep a copy of your insurance policy and emergency contact numbers with you.

3. Keep important documents safe

Make copies of your passport and travel insurance. This can help the process if your documents are lost or stolen. Ensure tickets to your event are kept in a safe place or shared with people in your group until you need them. If your passport is not needed, leave it in a safe place.

4. Stay connected with your group

If you are traveling with friends or family, make sure everyone has each other’s contact information. Use apps such as WhatsApp to stay in touch and consider using location-sharing apps such as ‘Find My Friend’ to keep track of each other in case you were to separate amongst the crowds.

5. Be aware of your surroundings

Always be vigilant, especially in crowded places like stadiums, concert venues, and public transport hubs. Keep an eye on your belongings and be cautious of pickpockets.

6. Know emergency numbers

Familiarise yourself with the local emergency numbers. In most European countries, the emergency number is 112. Knowing how to contact local authorities quickly can be crucial in an emergency. For location specific contact numbers, visit here where you can find the most important numbers for your trip.

7. Avoid risky behaviours

14% of people from our research say they are more adventurous on holiday, taking more risks than they would do whilst at home, with 22% saying they take more risks whilst on holiday and 28% being drunk whilst doing so. We would recommend avoiding activities that could put your safety at risk. Stay close to those you are travelling with and avoid isolated areas, particularly at night.

8. Be safe when using transportation

If you are renting a car, make sure it’s from a reputable company and that you’re familiar with the local traffic laws. With cars being the most popular form of transport used abroad, 15% of people have been involved in a road traffic accident or been with someone who has been involved in one, whilst on holiday. Always wear seat belts and avoid distractions while driving. For information on what to do in case of a car accident, you can refer to our guide on road traffic accidents abroad.

How we can help you

For more information on travelling abroad or for any legal advice, please get in touch. Our expert solicitors will be on hand to help with situations you may encounter.

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