Medical Negligence

Wallis Crockford

Senior Associate

I support clients in obtaining compensation to help achieve a better quality of life following a serious injury and I advocate for patient safety.

Holding slide for female colleague

Get to know Wallis

I have specialised in acting for medical negligence claimants since 2014.

Since 2020 I have been a Team Leader in our Cardiff office.

I have acted for clients who have sustained a wide range of injuries including brain injury, orthopaedic injury, birth injury, cancer, haemochromatosis, vascular surgery, dental injury and injury resulting from “Never Events”.

Career highlights

Each case means so much to each individual and it is a privilege for me to be able to help anyone who has suffered an injury as a result of negligence to be able to access justice, obtain the compensation that they are entitled to and hopefully find closure following such a traumatic time in their lives.


I was a top 3 finalist for the PIC Magazine/AvMA Award for the Clinical Negligence Rising Star in 2019. I am recognised in the Legal 500 as a Key Lawyer, and the edition states, “The outstanding Wallis Crockford handles the most complex cases with supreme skill and ability.”

The extra mile

During my career I have been involved in many charities including Headway South West London, the Encephalitis Society, the Child Brain Injury Trust, and the Haemochromatosis Society.

I have attended the “Women in Leadership in Law” round table meetings to drive positive change.

Contact Wallis

Telephone: 0330 995 5701
Office: Cardiff

Area of specialism

The case
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