Personal Injury

Jenny Keith

Principal Lawyer

I'm proud to work in a department with talented and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to achieve the best results for our clients.

Jenny Keith web profile

Get to know Jenny

I qualified as a solicitor in September 2003 and specialise in serious and fatal injuries.

I conduct injury claims of a complex nature with my practice focusing on road traffic collision work. I support and assist clients who have suffered life affecting, as well as life changing injuries.

I work closely with barristers and case managers to ensure my clients have the best support system to help navigate the legal process and benefit from rehabilitation.

I also guide and support bereaved families who have lost a loved one following a road traffic collision.

With almost 20 years’ experience in this field, I'm highly skilled and well regarded by clients and peers.

Career highlights

I've worked with many clients and have enjoyed supporting them not only from a compensation viewpoint but also through establishing rehabilitation programmes.

Each client is an individual and I consider their needs and their goals to tailor the assistance required.

The extra mile

I am an accredited Senior Litigator with APIL.

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