Holly Cossutta

Senior Associate Solicitor

I understand how daunting it can feel to embark on making a claim and I am dedicated to guiding my clients through the litigation process and supporting them every step of the way.

I am a tenacious advocate and am passionate about achieving the maximum compensation for my clients, helping them to rebuild their lives after what can be a life-changing event.

I know that while monetary compensation will never be able to turn back the clock, it does make life a little more comfortable and it can help to enable my clients to reach their full potential.

Get to know Holly

I joined Slater and Gordon in June 2024 as a Senior Associate Solicitor and I work in the Brighton and London offices. I handle a wide variety of medical negligence cases including adult brain injury, child brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, surgical errors, delay in diagnosis and fatal cases.

Since qualifying in 2002, I have specialised solely in medical negligence claims, gaining a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in this field. I feel privileged to be able to make a difference for people who have been injured through no fault of their own and I’m a steadfast champion of patients’ rights.

Currently, I am handling a number of claims against University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust in relation to Operation Bramber, a police investigation into negligence cases in the Trust's general surgery and neurosurgery departments.

Career highlights

Rewarding aspects of my role include obtaining answers to some of the questions my clients have about their treatment, obtaining good settlements and helping them to establish suitable rehabilitation programmes.

I understand that sustaining an injury can have far reaching consequences for my clients and their families and I always take a holistic approach to my clients’ needs. I obtain interim payments wherever possible so that necessary care and equipment can be purchased quickly to support the rehabilitation process. For many clients, receiving a formal letter of apology is important to them and I always press for this in appropriate cases.

  • I secured a full admission of liability and a seven figure settlement for a little girl who sustained a catastrophic spinal cord injury following surgery to remove a tumour close to her spine. She and her family were very pleased with the fully adapted house, care regime and therapies that were put in place following a large interim payment, as this meant that she was finally able to access all areas of her house and garden, with an improved quality of life.
  • I negotiated a settlement with a hospital Trust, following the tragic death of a young woman shortly after surgery to her throat. She left behind her devastated husband and two very young sons.
  • I secured an eight figure settlement for a young girl who sustained brain damage at birth after her delivery was mismanaged. Her severe cerebral palsy meant that she would always require a high level of care and support.
  • I represented a client in a claim against his GP for failing to refer him to hospital after he found a lump behind his knee. It transpired that this was a malignant sarcoma which, by the time it was diagnosed, was very large and led to amputation of the leg.
  • I have been interviewed several times by the BBC in connection with Operation Bramber / the University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust and in connection with the Care Quality Commission’s report into failing maternity services Care Quality Commission’s report into failing maternity services

I am an APIL accredited Senior Litigator, a member of the Medico-Legal Society and a member of the Spinal Injuries Association.

I am a keen long-distance runner and have raised thousands of pounds for charities, such as the Samaritans and Spinal Injuries Association, through participating in marathons.

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