Personal injury

New report released from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

A school should be an environment where children feel safe and protected. However, a new report published by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse suggests improvements must be made. Last week, our public inquiry and abuse experts Richard and Kim commented on the report to a number of media outlets.

07 March 2022

Newsroom - Lectern public inquiry

Last week, a new report was published from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). The investigation explored how schools and other institutions responded to allegations of sexual abuse by school staff, and addressed broad questions of the culture, governance, leadership, training and recruitment process of 13 schools, as well as eight others which have since closed, and how these institutions failed to protect children in England and Wales from sexual abuse.

Richard Scorer, head of abuse law and public inquiries, and Kim Harrison, head of operations for abuse law and public inquiries at Slater and Gordon, appeared throughout the media last week, commenting on the newly released report.

Both Richard and Kim, have represented many of the victims within the inquiry. Richard spoke to The Telegraph and The Guardian on the reputational protection of schools over the safeguarding of students and said the report confirmed that despite countless scandals, safeguarding in school was still not fit for purpose and the key change we need is mandatory reporting of known or suspected abuse to the authorities, backed up by the criminal law.

Kim also commented in the Evening Standard which explored the role boarding schools have in providing a safe environment for pupils. Here, in support of one of her clients, a male survivor of abuse, she spoke about the lack of understanding male victims and survivors of female abuses face once they disclose the abuse and that they’re made to feel additional shame and embarrassment.

Richard also appeared on North West Tonight discussing the involvement of Manchester’s Chetham’s School of Music in the inquiry and the changes he hopes to see following the final report which will be published later this year.

If you or your child has been the victim of abuse at school or another learning institution, contact us and speak to one of our experts in confidence.

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