Young family sat around a piggy bank with two children

Family law

Postnuptial agreement lawyers

While postnuptial agreements are relatively rare, if your marriage would benefit from clarity about future financial and property arrangements, our experienced postnuptial agreement lawyers are here to help.

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What is a postnuptial agreement?

A postnuptial agreement is a contract entered into after marriage which sets out an agreed settlement of property and financial assets in the event of a divorce. It works in a very similar way to a prenuptial agreement, the only difference being the point at which the contract is signed.

Why should I consider a postnuptial agreement?

People, circumstances and relationships are all prone to change over time and the understanding you had when you first married, or even the distribution of your wealth and assets, may have evolved over the years.

For example, one of you may now run a successful business, while the other has stayed at home to look after the children. Unless you have jointly acquired finances, this might leave one partner fearful of what the future holds, perhaps after the children have left home.

A postnuptial agreement can be a way of providing reassurance by redistributing assets more fairly, and by ensuring that neither of you need worry about your financial future.

How can I ensure that my postnuptial agreement is valid?

Strictly speaking, postnuptial agreements (like prenuptial agreements) are not legally binding in the UK. However, the courts do not dismiss such agreements lightly, and if it can be shown that the agreement was entered into fairly, it is highly likely that the courts will adhere to what has been agreed.

To determine whether are agreement is fair – and therefore valid – a judge will consider whether:

  • Both parties entered the agreement voluntarily and with a full understanding of its implications
  • The terms of the agreement are fair for both parties
  • Both parties fully disclosed assets and liabilities
  • Neither party was unduly pressured into the agreement
  • Both parties obtained independent legal advice

Speak to our postnuptial agreement lawyers

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Why choose Slater and Gordon’s postnuptial agreement lawyers?

While discussing what should happen if your marriage ends may not seem like the most pleasant conversation, or even one you believe to be necessary, having an honest and fair conversation about expectations can make things much easier and less confrontational if the worst should happen.

Our expert postnuptial agreement lawyers have worked with many couples and are here to support you and your partner in securing the best possible solution for your family. Our family law team has received recognition and numerous accolades from the legal industry. We are ranked in the independent legal directory Chambers and Partners, and many of our team are recognised in the Legal 500.

We are proud members of Resolution, an organisation of family justice professionals committed to promoting a constructive approach to family issues and have office nationwide so we’re able to bring our expertise to your doorstep.

Speak to our postnuptial agreement lawyers

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Why choose Slater and Gordon?


We are an award winning law firm and have a dedicated team of family solicitors to advise and guide you – no matter how complex your situation may be.

Affordability and advice

We offer affordable, expert legal advice on divorce and child arrangements. Book a consultation for clear guidance and next steps. Our assessment helps you understand your situation and make informed decisions. Consultation charged at £150 for 45 minutes.

Tailored advice

We understand that family situations differ – so we are able to provide tailored advice and guidance to suit your individual needs.

Local access

We are a national law firm, with legal experts available locally across the UK. Meetings can be arranged via telephone or video call, to suit your requirements.

Speak to one of our family law experts today

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

Frequently asked questions about postnuptial agreements

What’s the difference between a prenuptial and a postnuptial agreement?

Both a prenuptial and postnuptial agreement set out what will happen in terms of financial and property assets in the event of a divorce.

The only difference between the two contracts is when the agreement is signed; a prenuptial agreement must be agreed at least 28 days before your wedding takes place, while a postnuptial agreement can be entered into at any time after the wedding.

Is a postnuptial agreement legally binding?

Currently, postnuptial agreements are not strictly legally binding in the UK, though the courts are highly unlikely to disregard an agreement where it is deemed to have been transparent and fair.

It is therefore crucial that you speak to a specialist postnuptial agreement lawyer when drafting your contract to ensure that all relevant information has been disclosed to each side and that the agreement is entered into willingly and with a full understanding of its terms. Speak to our team today to learn more on 0330 041 5869 or get in touch online.

How long after marriage can you get a postnuptial agreement?

There is no specific timeframe in which you must sign a postnuptial agreement. As this is entered into after a marriage, it can be done at any point after the wedding or civil partnership.

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