About us
Cold calling information
We take your privacy very seriously. We never cold call at Slater and Gordon Lawyers.

If you have received a cold call from someone claiming to be from Slater and Gordon please email us at clientcare@slatergordon.co.uk and we will investigate the matter further.
We have found that a number of businesses have been using the ‘Slater and Gordon’ name for their own purposes and we have taken legal action against all of them to stop them from continuing. We take this issue of passing off very seriously, so please provide us with any information you have regarding cold calls claiming to be from Slater and Gordon Lawyers so we can consider taking legal action where necessary.
Slater and Gordon Lawyers is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and we have an obligation to not cold call members of the public. As an entity, Slater and Gordon UK Limited (SRA ID: 591058) does not make unsolicited approaches in person or by telephone to members of the public in order to publicise our firm or our services.
Steps you can take:
- Try and record the number the call came from and other details such as if they said where they are calling from and their name
- Send an e-mail to us at clientcare@slatergordon.co.uk so we can flag this up with the relevant organisations
- You should register your number with the Telephone Preference Service https://complaints.tpsonline.org.uk/consumer
- If you receive any further cold calls you should report this to the Information Commission at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/nuisance-calls-and-messages/report-telesales-calls/